February 11, 2019

February 11, 2019 Council Meeting
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070

Meeting was called to order and Pledge of Allegiance recited at 7:32 pm.

Roll Call, Present: Heidi Sentivan, Jody Roberts, Ken Torres-Zickler, Samantha Newell, Christine Gradel, Lindsay Reed, Mayor Kevin Cunningham, Solicitor Christine Reuther, Administrator Barbarann Keffer; absent: Marie Govannicci, excused.

HS moved the order of the agenda to have the Public Comment before the Approval of the minutes.

Public Comment: Mary E. Woodland (MW) from Chambers Memorial Church spoke on these topics: (1). She is looking forward to signing the agreement between the church and the borough and having the details formalized, (2). The church’s Spring Yard Sale is April 27, and MW invited the borough to hold their yard sale on the same date, (3). The church is interested in applying for a state historical designation. HS stated that “Coffee with the Mayor” is Saturday, February 23 and that would be a good opportunity to discuss with the Planning Commission related to the comprehensive plan, (4) there is interest in establishing a day care at the church and discussion followed as to the permitting process.

Motion to pass January 14 minutes: HS/SN, motion passed unanimously; motion to pass January 28 minutes: CG/HS.

Public Safety: CG read the details of the MRFC January report (115 personnel responses).

Finance: Motion to approve the bill’s list (HS/KTZ); motion passed unanimously.

Resolution 2019-1, the updated Fee Schedule, was discussed. HS described the differences between the former and new permit fee structure. KTZ will put the new application and schedule on the website.

There was also discussion on how the existing “peddler’s ordinance” might be amended for clarification.

SN requested a roll call vote. Resolution 2019-1 passed unanimously; MG excused.

Next was discussion to approve the resolution for application for County Aid, MS-339, related to street repair. County Aid would require the borough to pay the project expenses up front, then apply to the County for reimbursement. SN and HS are working with Catania to determine the priority of street repair.

Roll call vote for Resolution 2019-2: all present voted in favor; MG excused.

Mayor’s Report: KTZ read the SPD January report (in binder). KC attended the swearing-in ceremony of Ray Stufflet, new Chief of Police for Swarthmore.

Tax Collector: TH will double-check the payments for January 2019 and submit a report for the minutes of this meeting.

Old Business: SN reported that a new brand of patch is now being used to fill in potholes.

KTZ requested help folding and delivering the newsletters.

“Snow Jam” is February 23 in the upstairs hall beginning at 6 pm.

New Business: Jen Mickle, KTZ and HS researched prices/quality of a new printer/scanner to replace the one which recently broke.

Motion to purchase a new Brother printer/scanner for $139: HS/SN. Motion passed unanimously.

CG spoke about the multi-municipality environmental meeting and the opportunity to have a Swarthmore College student work on a small project for the Borough. CG to follow up on specific projects and details.

Motion to adjourn, 8:20. (HS/SN)



