June 5,2017 Meeting Minutes

June 5, 2017 Meeting
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Council President Dave Waltz

Present: Brianne Thomas, Dr. Marlaina Kloepfer, Jack Shingle, Council President Dave Waltz, Mayor Cunningham, Eric Leggett
Also in attendance was William Neill, Esq.
Absent: Jim Jones, Marie Govannicci
Public Comment – Michelle Senior of Unity Terrace expressed her concern about bank owned properties like 101 E. Sylvan and about parking due to rentals and overlapping rentals.
Heidi Sentivan asked if there was any luck securing a new zoning board attorney. Council President Waltz reported that it was tough in our budget but efforts continue.

Karl Kloepfer of Linden Ave. stated he had a friend who wanted to be married at Borough Hall by the Mayor but was told he could not use the building. Council President Waltz explained that using the building is fine, but not the private office areas due to security concerns.
Tax Collector Tom Heron shared his collection report of $427,644.34 collected. There are 13 properties unpaid at this point. There are also 8 open sewer charges.
Mayor Cunningham shared the May 1 police report which noted cases of fraud, tenant-landlord conflicts, custody disputes and various other issues.
The Mayor thanked everyone for coming to the Memorial Day events held jointly with AmVets Post 118, the Police and Fire Department. He thanked Council and employees for their attendance with residents.
Council President Waltz discussed housekeeping issues around town like grass in the gutters.
Communications reported on their Facebook Live coverage of the Memorial Day ceremony. It had about 100 views. A discussion about live broadcasting the council meeting was started. Their were concerns voiced about the Borough not owning the rights and how it could be used. There were thoughts of using statements out of context, etc.
Special recognition was offered to Katie Kutish who is an original committee member. All of her hard work was acknowledged by Dr. Kloepfer and Council President Waltz. All of council joined them in offering congratulation and she was presented with flowers.
Parks Report – None
Public Safety – Mr. Shingle noted that the fire department was scheduled to paint the rest of the backstop. There are currently a lot of graduation parties taking up volunteer time but it will get done.

Finance – Nothing to add to the Tax Collector’s report. Most of our tax money is in and being depositied.

Mark Bascelli, our highway employee, started taking out all of the disconnected radiators from the upper hall. They were incredibly heavy. The Painters union is working to get us on the paint schedule so we want to be ready.

Mayor Cunningham asked about the email regarding no co2 canisters in the hall over the weekend. Council President Waltz explained that Mark got a hold of extra tanks and delivered them. No bartender had reported we were running low. A training will take place to make sure that we are told earlier.

Solicitor’s Report – Shade Tree Ordinance will be reviewed at the next meeting. A brief conversation took place about painting prep and the fire pit ordinance.

Old Business – T-shirt sale was discussed. The information is on Facebook. There is a new design.

Motion to Approve:

#477 Recreational Fire CP Waltz/J. Shingle Comment about fire screens AIF
#478 Parking Penalties CP Waltz/J Shingle Guest Pass Discussions AIF
#479 Impervious Surfaces CP Waltz/JS AIF
#480 Decks CP Waltz/JS AIF
#481 Bulk Requirements CP Waltz/JS AIF

New Business – None

Recess to Executive Session at 7:35 pm
Return to Regular Meeting


Motion to adjourn: Mr. Shingle/Mr. Jones All in Favor
7:40 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

DawnMarie Bascelli
Borough Secretary




