Meeting Minutes November 6,2017

November 6, 2017 Business Meeting
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7pm by Council President David Waltz.

Present: Council President Waltz, Brianne Thomas, Jack Shingle, Eric Leggett, Marie Govannicci, Jim Jones, Carrie Kozub and Mayor Cunningham. William Neill, Esq. was also in attendance.
Absent: None
No Public Comment

A reminder was given that private sump pumps cannot be connected to the public sewage system due to the tremendous added flow and taxpayers expense.

Communications – Motion to approve the minutes of August 28, 2017 and October 23, 2017 Ms. Thomas/Mr. Shingle All in Favor

Reminder of the Chambers Memorial Church and Rutledge Fire Company Ladies Night.

Correspondence – Hazardous Mitigation Coverage

Tax Collector’s Report through October 31, 2017. $401,730.69 collected. 8 Real estate taxes are overdue and 6 sewer fees. Motion to approve Mr. Leggett/Ms. Thomas All in Favor

Mr. Shingle – No Report

Ms. Govannicci reported on Parks. Tree lighting will be December 4, 2017. The council advertised a new meeting date for December 11, 2017 so there is not a conflict with the tree lighting activities. Luminaries will be distributed the Sunday before Christmas.

November 13 – Activities Meeting will be held. November 18 – 10pm. Shade Tree planning meeting.

The update on the Girl’s Club scoreboard is that the electrician has visited the site. We are waiting on samples of the scoreboards available. There will also be light for the flag so we can keep it up all of the time. The Girl’s Club will narrow scoreboard choices to 2 and then present them to council at a future meeting.

Council President Waltz will collect prices for a new flagpole.


Mr. Leggett had no report.

Mr. Jones discussed the sanitary sewer rehab project. Meters were placed in several spots throughout the community by the highway employee and Jim Kearns of the CDCA. Waverly and President is a specific area where we anticipate finding damage due to visual evidence of water infiltration.

General Sewer is out doing root work today in town. We are suing this information to develop a scope of work with Catania Engineering. We estimate about 3000 linear foot of repairs. Communications was asked to let residents know not to connect sump pumps to the public sewage systems.

Council President Waltz indicated that preliminary work was being done to the budget for presentation at the work session prior to adoption.

Streets Department – Working on signage updates and repairs.

Mayor Cunningham – Read the police report including various reports of barking dogs, vehicle fires, a suicidal person, disturbance calls, dui, a domestic disturbance, parking issues, vandalism, tickets and it was also noted that he gave out candy on Halloween at borough hall.

William Neill, Esq. restated the advertisement requirements for the Fire Department Tax Ordinance and the meeting change.

Ms. Kozub – No Report

Old Business – Street Lighting project is complete. Rebate forms have been submitted.

Mr. Shingle indicated that he has not heard any responses from Chief Dean Kemp for the fire department ordinance.

New Business –

Motion to approve the advertisement of the old borough pickup truck for auction on Municibid with a starting bid of $5000. Mr. Shingle/Ms. Thomas All in Favor

Comments from the public included Tom Heron with a request for an update on the traffic study near his home, Jack Borsch about the Fire Department Ordinance and Rachael Sten regarding why a traffic accident did not appear on the Mayor’s Report. Chief Craig explained that traffic accidents do not appear on those reports historically.

Michelle Senior asked about a vacant property near her home and why nothing is being done about it. Council President Waltz explained to her that all that legally can be done is being done and that the front lawn is being mowed. They were cited several times, but it bank owned and it must go to court. Ms. Senior felt if it were near their homes something more would be done. Council President Waltz added she should not be parked on their property and nothing more could be done if it were near their homes and he stated it is near his.

Motion to adjourn at 7:25pm: Ms. Govannicci/Mr. Shingle
All in Favor

Respectfully Submitted,

DawnMarie Bascelli
Borough Secretary





