October 2,2017 Minutes

October 2, 2017 Business Meeting
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7pm by Council President David Waltz.

Present: Brianne Thomas, Eric Leggett, Jack Shingle, Marie Govannicci, Jim Jones, Council President Dave Waltz, Mayor Cunningham. William Neill, Esq. was also in attendance.
Absent: None
The Tax Collector’s report was presented by the Borough Secretary.

Council President Waltz called for a moment of silence for the victims of the Las Vegas shooting.

Public Comment –

Dimitri Semos of 230 Rutledge Avenue asked about a new sign which was placed near the front of his home indicating no parking to the corner. There was a discussion about the position in which his car was parked. He indicated he felt he had 80 feet to the corner; more than enough. He mentioned the inconvenience for himself, family members, etc. Council indicated there was complaints from some people about the awkward position of the car and the crossing guard stated that it was a problem for her properly crossing the children, as she could not see with the car encroaching into the area.

Mr. Semos stated he felt that the crossing guard was personally responsible for the safety of the children and as long as she was there, it should not be an issue. Council indicated that with a tot lot right across the street, children crossing happens all day, including when the crossing guard is gone, so the matter will be investigated again and discussed at the next work session.

An announcement was made about the trash collection company no longer accepting plastic bags with the recycling. You cannot put recycling into plastic bags either. Destinations they deliver the recycles to are refusing loads with plastic bags now. A message will be put out on Facebook by Ms. Thomas.

Motion to approve the minutes of 1/12, 2/6, 2/27, 3/27, 4/3, 4/24, 5/1, 5/22, 6/5, 6/26, 7/3, 7/24, 8/7 & 8/28 (Note some of these were previously approved but to avoid confusion they were approved again for posting purposes) B. Thomas/M. Govannicci AIF

Mayor Cunningham indicated he did not get minutes at the last meeting. The Borough Secretary indicated that a stack for everyone was in the middle of the table. Another was provided for him.

Ms. Govannicci indicated that Mark Bascelli, our highway employee, found a new seesaw for the park that he is able to repaint and have installed for our youth. Everyone is grateful for his efforts. He will also be putting down pads for the new garbage cans in the park. They need to be bolted in place so they cannot tip over.

The next Shade Tree Meeting is 10/19 at 7:30. The Shade Tree website has planting information.

The next Activities Committee meeting will be on 11/13 at 7:30 for the Tree Lighting Committee.

Mr. Shingle indicated he would be following up on Mr. Semos’ issue with the crosswalk and the signage. They will talk to the crossing guard again and review their information on the matter.

There is no fire report this evening.

Council President Waltz reminded everyone that finances are tight as we near the end of the year with the many projects going on. The Tax Collector is providing additional income this evening with this month’s tax collections.

Mayor Cunningham read the September 2017 police report which discussed incidents of fraud, theft, wreckless driving, a lost dog, domestic calls and various other issues.

On October 31, Mayor Cunningham will give out candy at Borough Hall. Also, on March the Mayor will be welcoming an exchange student from France as his son goes to become an exchange student there.

The Fire Department will be hosting a meatball dinner.

Motion to approve a zoning board attorney Mr. Jones/Mr. Shingle All in Favor

Old Business: Rooster complaint has been handled. The owner indicates that the rooster will be headed to a farm within the next week or so.

Solicitor’s Report – Discussed Act 172 2016 Tax Credit for Fire Department members. It will be reviewed as a possible December ordinance. A brief discussion of the possible requirements for such a credit were discussed. The solicitor will draft an ordinance and review the matter.

Shade Tree Ordinance – There are some additional revisions coming. Mr. Neill did meet with the representative of the Shade Tree Commission to review the current drafts.

Motion to accept the 2016 Audit Report: Ms. Thomas/Mr. Jones All in Favor

New Business: There was a resignation from Council last meeting. Dr. Marlaina Kloepfer resigned after taking a job offer out of state.

Motion to accept the appointment of Carrie Kozub to the term on council through the first Monday of January, 2018. Ms. Govannicci/Ms. Thomas All in Favor

Mayor Cunningham administered the oath to Carrie Kozub to the applause of members of council and the audience.

Financial reports were reviewed by council members in their packets. Motion to approve the financial reports Ms. Thomas/Mr. Jones All in Favor

Motion to Adjourn Mr. Jones/Mr. Leggett All in Favor at 7:30 pm



DawnMarie Bascelli
Borough Secretary






