Rutledge Borough Work Session- September 26,2016

Jim Jones, Council Vice President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

The following Committee Members answered roll call: Brianne Thomas, Eric Leggett, John Shingle, James Jones, Marie Govannicci, Marlaina Kloepfer.

Also present: Mayor Kevin Cunningham, Kim Brown

Not present: David Waltz, Gennifer Guiliano


Public Comment: None


Trash: Bid Openings for Trash Collection – Two bids were received: Solid Waste Services, JP Mascaro & Sons: Total Bid for Trash Collection: $232,860 ($46,562/wk) and Single Stream Recycling pick-up every Wednesday: $183,420 ($36,624/wk)

Creative Waste Solutions: Bid includes both Trash Collection and Single Stream Recycling pick-up every Wednesday: 2017: $44,300; 2018: $45,200; 2019: $47,900; 2020: $50,775; 2021: $52,300 Total bid: $240,475


Property & Buildings: Kim Brown and Marlaina Kloepfer will be taking over the rentals while Gennifer is out.


Finance: No report


Public Safety: Kevin Cunningham spoke with Dean Kemp, Fire Chief, regarding the fire pit issue. Fire pit fuel is not to exceed two (2) feet. It was noted that the standard of 2 feet should be added to the Ordinance. It was decided not to register fire pits. Also, fire pit discussions should remain between landlord and tenant.


Rutledge Activities Committee:

Shade Tree Commission: Fall planting is scheduled for Sunday, November 20. The group is planning to plant 11 trees. The team hopes to borrow the new truck to carry and deliver trees, mulch, t-shirts and signage for the newly planted trees. It was noted that the Commission doubled the number of trees planted this spring. They are also planning to have kids work on tree ornaments for Commission recognition.


Recreation: It was stated that there is no need for fencing surrounding the rain gutters in Triangle Park. Parents will have to be responsible for the safety of their own children. It was reported that the rain gutters are draining properly. The Committee is planning to budget $500 for paint and supplies for repairs to the backstop. The Fourth of July Committee is getting ready to meet again to work on getting ready for the Tree Lighting and the Luminaries.


Activities Committee: Next meeting is October 10. The Committee is working on a leaf pick-up for Rutledge.  Resident will put leaves in brown bags and take them over to Compost for free mulch for their gardens. The Committee is also scheduling a Christmas tree pick-up. The thought is to schedule pick-up on a Sunday, so the trash collectors can take the remaining trees the next day. Kudos to Kim Brown for the new logo to be in red. The logo will adorn the Borough truck, t-shirts and letterhead.


Girls’ Club: Fall ball


Ordinances: Section 25 needs change/update; wait for six months


Streets: No report


Sewers: Jim Jones reported on the problem at 32 President Ave. Video camera results showed that the main was cracked downstream of the property, which created a sinkhole. More problems at 18 Linden Ave. resulted in a major sewer backup.  The line was snaked, tree roots were removed, and the line was videoed. Charles Catania and Jim are working on a grant for $500,000.  Rutledge would have to put in 15% ($75,000). Jim reported that ~60% of the sewers throughout Rutledge are bad. The time has come to line the pipes, as fixing them would save residents substantially on their sewer bills. Finally, since the trash bids were opened tonight, discussion will be tabled until after all the paperwork has been thoroughly reviewed. Then the decision as to who will be awarded the contract will be made.


Communication: Working on the budget


Old Business: The new truck is here. Discussion regarding the truck is tabled until next week. Parking permits status


New Business: First, there will be a Block Party on the 200 block of Sylvan Ave. Saturday, October 8 from 1 PM – 8:30 PM. This is the third year in a row for this activity. Its open to anyone who wants to join the party. Barricades will be placed at each end of the 200 block. Second, Kim Brown has planned a dance with a DJ and dance instructor for Saturday, December 17 in Borough Hall.  Concerns about the date, the week before Christmas were expressed, and proceeds from the dance (minus cost of DJ and instructor) should be designated for a specific purpose. High rental time; we can’t afford to lose money. There will be further discussion regarding the date of the dance.


MOTION by Jack Shingle, Second by Eric Leggett to adjourn.


Meeting adjourned at 8:14PM.


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