Rutledge Borough Council Meeting-April 1, 2013

M. Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: M. Diane McGaughey, Marlaina Kloepfer, Daniel Werner, Marie Govannicci, and David Waltz.

Also present: Mayor Kevin Cunningham, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig, Robert Hunt., Jr., Esq.

Not present: Tom Kopp, Brian Costello

Minutes:  MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Daniel Werner, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of March 4, 2013. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Marie Govannicci, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Work Session of March 25, 2013.  MOTION approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March, 2013.


1)      Zachary Barner, Delaware County Planning Dept.- Meeting, Thursday, April 4, 2013, 11:00 AM, at DELCORA- Eastern Delaware County Act 537 Plan Update

Tax Collector’s Report: Thomas Heron reported that $340,649.00 was collected in February and March- 83%. $68,400.00 remains to be collected.

Code Enforcement Report: Harry Mirra read his report for March 2013:

Mr. Mirra has surveyed the neighborhood daily. An email was sent to the homeowner on Sylvan Ave. who has logs on the front lawn. The email is no longer valid.

The garage repair on Sylvan Ave. is on hold until the ground settles. Mr. Mirra took pictures of the property at 7 Rutledge Ave. The homeowner went to court and was found guilty and fined $500.00. The homeowner will appeal the decision at the County level.

Two properties need to be cleaned up: 1505 Melrose Terrace and 231 Linden Ave. Notices will be sent out this week.

Zoning Permits: 1 Active, 2 Completed

Solicitor Smith commended Harry Mirra on the way he handled the court matter. He had sets of pictures from the beginning, and maintained a professional attitude during the hearing. All of the testimony was clear and professionally presented. Mr. Mirra did not take anything personally. Mr. Mirra represented the finest part of the Borough and did his job well.

Public Comment: None

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Kevin Cunningham read the Police report for March. There were:

30 Parking Tickets       1 Warning        11 Motor Vehicle Citations

3/6    theft reported on Linden Ave.

3/16  President Ave. – harassment by phone

3/18  solicitations on Linden Ave.- had a permit for Folsom

Mayor Cunningham and Diane McGaughey attended a meeting in Morton Borough, with its recycling committee, to discuss an electronic recycling drop-off event. Rutledge will have a recycling event on Saturday, September 7, in the afternoon, after the yard sale.

Mayor Cunningham went to the residence of the owner of the trailer, twice, but there was no answer.

4th of July: The Easter Egg Hunt was successful- 100 children- cost $125.00. Ms. Govannicci thanked Council for its participation. Quizzo night raised $535.00. The next meeting will be on April 8, 8:00 PM.

Rutledge Girls’ Club–  Marie Govannicci reported that the season has started.

Communication: Marlain Kloepfer reported that the Fire Co.’s Public Safety Day, Lifeline Health Screening, and February Meeting Minutes have been added to the website. Emails will go out regarding the events, as well.

Ordinance: Nothing to report.

Trash: Nothing to report.

Building: Nothing to report.

Recreation: Marie Govannicci reported that the “Tobacco Free” signs have been ordered for the Triangle Park. A price quote of $900.00 was received to repair the damaged fence at the Triangle Park. Ms. Govannicci looked at having the height raised to 12 feet, but the cost is approximately $4,900.00. Three price quotes are required. For the safety of the children at the park, Ms. Govannicci recommends that the fence be repaired with the original height, and look at making it higher some time in the future.

Sewer: Nothing to report.

Shade Tree Commission:

Public Safety: Nothing to report.

Finance: Nothing to report

Property/Borough Building: Nothing to report.

Streets: David Waltz reported that he is working with the engineer to advertise for bids for road repair. The check for the PIB loan should arrive in 4-6 weeks. The streetlight on the 100 block of Sylvan Ave. flickers.

Solicitor’s Report: Nothing to report.

Old Business: Nothing to report.

New Business:

MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Daniel Werner, to apply for 2013 County Aid for Road Repair. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Dan Werner, to authorize the Engineer to advertise for bids for road repairs. MOTION approved unanimously.

Discussed fence repair at the Triangle Park. $865.00 was received from Steve Sinex, the father of the person who damaged the fence.  MOTION by Marie Govannicci, Second by Daniel Werner to have the damaged portion of the fence at Triangle Park replaced by Phil’z Landcaping, LLC, at a cost of $900.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Marlaina Kloepfer, Second by David Waltz to approve a one-year contract with Global Connect notification system at a cost of $500.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

Public Comment: Kim Browm, 32 President Ave., asked if there was any new information on the landscaping truck that has been parked on Unity Terrace. She has been present at the last five Council meetings, and would like something done. Solicitor Smith reported that Council is amending the parking ordinance, and he will talk to the Mayor of Swarthmore regarding protocol. Council is trying to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Bills for April 1, 2013:

MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Marlaina Kloepfer, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $12,376.82. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Marie Govannicci, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $1,340.58. MOTION  approved unanimously.

MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Daniel Werner, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $1,454.13. MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.


Submitted by:

Gennifer Guiliano




