Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, July 2, 2007

Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Thomas Ash, and Jack Borsch.

Not present: Mark King, Kurt Morrison

Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Ed McGaughey, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig

MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of June 4, 2007 and Work Session of June 25, 2007. MOTION approved unanimously.

Public Comment: Ann Hanson, 117 President Ave. stated that her son found a dead rat at 10 President Ave. Greg Lebold stated that this will be discussed later in the meeting.

Mary O’Neill, 118 Rutledge Ave., asked if the July 5, 2007 court date for the owner of 117 Rutledge Ave. is still scheduled. Mayor Scott Shields stated that the resident has been compliant with cleaning the property, and there is a shrub issue on Judy Ziegler’s side of the property.

Paul Mecouch, 23 Linden Ave., stated that the next newspaper collection will be on July 18, 2007.

Dorothy Behmke, 201 Sylvan Ave., asked what can be done to enforce dog owners to clean up after their dogs. Police Chief Brian Craig stated that the police need to see the act, but if Mrs. Behmke knows who the dog owners are, the police will go talk to them.

Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $2,406.46 was collected in June 2007. Mr. Leonard stated that the school tax bills have been sent, and there has been 6% increase. Partial payments are an option, but residents are instructed to contact Mr. Leonard before attempting to make partial payment.

Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of June, 2007.

Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports Greg Lebold read Harry Mirra’s report for the month of June, 2007:

11 Building Permits Active

6 Correction Notices issued for:

Abandoned vehicle & debris in driveway

Debris behind shed

Garage roof in disrepair

Debris in front and back yard and front porch

Abandoned vehicle

Tree branches closer than 8’ above sidewalk

117 Rutledge Ave. – Court date extended to July 5.

Mayor’s Report Scott Shields read the police report for June, 2007. There were: 21 Parking tickets, 9 motor vehicle citations, 2 accidents, 17 police calls, 10 complaints, 2 assist ambulance.

Mayor Shields stated that there has been a disorderly group at the Triangle Park, and asked residents to call the police if they observe them. An individual who posed as a PECO employee tried to gain entrance into a home on the 100 block of President Ave. The homeowner called PECO, who said no one from PECO was supposed to be in the area. The homeowner called the police and gave a description.

A resident on the 100 block of Rutledge reported that her dog had killed a rat in her rear yard, and wanted the police to document the incident.

Mayor Shields stated that the homeowner at 117 Rutledge Ave. was cited by the Borough, and the debris has been cleaned up, and the Borough is scheduled to go to court on July 5 if the homeowner is not compliant. The removal of shrubs is an issue between neighbors, and a citation cannot be issued by the Borough.

Mayor Shields also stated that there will not be a community rat extermination, and homeowners must hire exterminators for rats on private property. The homeowner at 117 Rutledge Ave. will be billed for the rat extermination, and code enforcement will be watching the property. Mayor Shields thanked the neighbors who helped clear the property.

Mary O’Neill, 118 Rutledge Ave., stated that the exterminator was at 117 Rutledge Ave. on June 14, and her dog is still catching rats in her yard. The exterminator told her that there are thousands of rats, and the trap was filled on Thursday, June 28.

Greg Lebold stated that the Health Officer and an exterminating service are reporting the progress at the property to the Borough.

Mrs. O’Neill stated that wood piles were taken to the back, and the exterminator told her that’s the main place that the rats are living. Mayor Shields stated that the wood was placed on cinder blocks, per advice of the exterminator. Greg Lebold stated that any concerned neighbors can talk to the Mayor after the meeting.

Mayor Shields stated that festivities will be held for the 4th of July. Trina Coppick reported that battery operated vehicles will be allowed in the parade. Judging will be at 9:30 AM.


1) Letter from Judith Ziegler, 115 Rutledge Ave., regarding high shrubs at her neighbor’s property at 117 Rutledge Ave.

2) PSAB 2007 Municipal Yearbook and Annual Report

Committee Reports:

Ordinance/ Trash – Trash will be collected on Thursday, and newspapers will be collected on July 18.

Building – Nothing to report

Sewer Jack Borsch reported that the sewer next to the Borough building was repaired, and the damage to the driveway was fixed.

Recreation – Greg Lebold reported that Kurt Morrison has been cleaning up the weeds at the Triangle Park around the wood chips. Diane McGaughey reported that a mothers group with small children would like to do decorative work at the Triangle Park.

Public Safety – Tom Kopp read the Rutledge Fire Company’s June 2007 Report. There were: 6 fire calls with time in service of 1 hour and 45 minute, and 4 drills with time in service of 9 hours and 12 minutes. There was one local alarm on 6/7/07 for a motor vehicle accident at Morton Ave. and Rutledge Ave.

The Rutledge Fire Co. wishes everyone a safe and fire free Fourth of July holiday.

Mr. Kopp distributed the meeting minutes for the Tri-Borough Consolidation Committee. Diane McGaughey stated that she was not notified of the meetings. Mr. Kopp explained that no formal notification is sent out. The meetings are on the 3rd Thursday at DCIU. Mr. Kopp reported that a new State Grant Bill was passed for emergency services, and Rutledge Fire Co. will get a share of it.

Harry Mirra reported that a lot of residents have wood piles in their back yards. The piles must be raised 5-6 inches from the ground to prevent rats from nesting.

Finance – Diane McGaughey asked Council Members to check the remaining funds in the budget before authorizing expenses.

Highway – Thomas Ash asked residents to bag their trash or put it in cans – trash has been blowing all over the streets.

Solicitor – Nothing to report.

Old Business : MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to authorize the Borough Engineer to advertise for bids for the Triangle Park Stormwater Management Project. MOTION approved unanimously.

Ed McGaughey stated that he has been advised by Comcast that the franchise agreement is due to expire, and a representative wants to meet with Council to negotiate a new agreement.

New Business: None

Public Comment: Paul Mecouch , 34 Linden Ave., stated that he hopes Council will revisit bids for sewer work at the back of Linden Ave.

Ben O’Neill, 118 Rutledge Ave., asked if the Council Meetings could be aired on RCN. Mr. Lebold stated that Comcast provides the service at no charge to the Borough, and will discontinue the service later in the year. RCN did not offer the service.

Bills for July 2, 2007:

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $18,762.81. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $970.09. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $19.098.36 MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM.

Submitted by:

Gennifer Guiliano

Borough Secretary



