Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Kurt Morrison, Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Thomas Ash, and Jack Borsch.
Not present: Mark King
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Ed McGaughey, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of May 7, 2007, Work Session of May 21, 2007, Planning Committee Public Hearing May 7, 2007. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Greg Lebold announced that the Borough has taken all the action it can regarding the property maintenance issues at 117 Rutledge Ave. A professional rodent specialist was hired, and the property owner was given 30 days to correct the situation. Judith Ziegler, 115 Rutledge Ave., stated that she appreciates the efforts of Council, and the situation at 117 Rutledge Ave. started last year. Ms. Ziegler has been patient with her neighbor, and stated that an administrative order from the court could have been obtained.
Mr. Lebold explained that the health officer investigated the situation and an extermination company that specializes in rodents was contacted. Diane McGaughey stated the this is an ingoing situation, and Council has unofficially asked residents to clean up their yards. The building inspector was also asked to ride through the Borough and do an inspection of the properties. There was a squirrel in the Borough building that took three days to remove. Ms. McGaughey asked residents to consider their neighbors and the impact their actions have on the community.
Ms. Ziegler stated that the situation at 117 Rutledge is a danger to the community, and has been tolerated for two years. There is trash in the yard and garage that is attracting the rodents. She had to cancel a family picnic at her house this past weekend because of the rodents.
John Henry, 123 Rutledge Ave., lives next to 117 Rutledge Ave., stated that trash has been on the property for years, and has gotten worse, and poses a health issue. Mr. Henry stated that he offered to rent a dumpster and help Ms. Johnson remove the trash, and he would have a hard time marketing his house for sale with the condition of his neighbor’s property. Mr. Henry stated that there is a street light out on Rutledge Ave. Greg Lebold explained that code enforcement has been working with the homeowner for a year to rectify the situation. Council wants compliance and correction, not just to take the resident’s money. Ms. Ziegler asked if the inside of the house and the garage will be investigated. Mr. Lebold answered that the decision will be left up to the Health Officer, and that investigations of privately owned properties present challenges.
Mary O’Neill, 118 Rutledge Ave., stated that she called the Police because a boy was walking by 117 Rutledge Ave., and rats were at his feet.
Mr. Lebold asked that residents be patient; Council is taking the situation very seriously, the building inspector will be monitoring the property closely.
Solicitor Guy Smith suggested having a meeting with the Police, Health Office, Building Committee Chair, and Building Inspector to set a plan in motion as quickly as possible.
Linda Garrity, 109 Rutledge Ave. stated that she has notified residents on Swarthmore Ave. of the situation, and asked if the Borough would do it. Guy Smith stated that we have to discuss the situation with the Health Officer.
Mr. Henry stated that traps were set on neighbors’ properties, and rodents were caught. Kurt Morrison stated that the property adjacent to his had rat infestation, and the traps took time to work, as the rodents need to carry the poison back to the nest. Residents should remove all food sources, including bird feed, and get metal trash cans rather than plastic.
Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $12,515.29 was collected in May 2007.
Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of May, 2007.
Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for the month of May, 2007:
9 Building Permits Active
1 Abandoned Vehicle
1 Letter sent to 117 Rutledge Ave. – debris must be removed by 6/30/07. A weekly inspection will be done.
A dump truck parked on Rutledge Ave. has been removed.
Mayor’s Report – Scott Shields read the police report for May, 2007. There were: 16 Parking tickets, 11 motor vehicle citations, 7 motor vehicle violations, 2 warnings – Click It Or Ticket.
Mayor Shields stated that the Borough will be aggressive with the rat situation, and asked residents to call him on his cell phone if they see rats.
There is an abandoned car on the 200 block of Sylvan Ave., and we’re working to have it removed.
Kurt Morrison stated that he got a complaint of an open, burning fire, which is not allowed in the Borough because the smoke aggravates respiratory conditions.
1) PSAB – 96th Annual Conference & Exhibition, June 24-37, Radisson, Valley Forge
2) PA Borough Councils Association – Accepting nominations for Outstanding Councilman of the Year
3) Commonwealth of PA – Audit Report Rutledge Volunteer Fireman’s Relief Association
4) Judith Ziegler, 115 Rutledge Ave. – Complaint about rats on neighbor’s property, 117 Rutledge Ave., and overhanging vegetation
5) Margaret Gober, Health Office – Contacted Zap Pest Control regarding rats at 117 Rutledge Ave. 8 stations were placed on the property at a cost of $45 each.
6) 2006 Borough Financial Audit/ Recommendations
Committee Reports:
Ordinance/ Trash – Nothing to report.
Building – Nothing to report
Sewer– Jack Borsch will discuss the sinkhole next to the Borough’s driveway with Catania Engineers.
Recreation – Kurt Morrison reported that the wood chip order has been changed to 40 cubic yards so that a truck can get through the gates. The chips will be delivered in 2 weeks.
Public Safety – Tom Kopp read the Rutledge Fire Company’s May 2007 Report. There were: 12 fire calls with time in service of 5 hours and 2 minutes, and 3 drills with time in service of 7 hours and 35 minutes. There were no local alarms. The Rutledge Fire Co. wishes a safe and fire free summer to all.
Mr. Kopp reported that the Fund Drive is in its 4th month, and $3,000 in donations has been received. Mr. Kopp reported that the Tri-Boro Committee met with Dean Fernsler to discuss what equipment would be needed for the 3 Boroughs if the merger takes place. A letter of intent will be signed tonight, and a hazard analysis and assessment will be conducted at no cost.
Finance – Diane McGaughey stated that she reviewed the April Revenue & Expense Report. Ms. McGaughey also received a report from the Auditors for the 2006 Financial Audit; 8 recommendations were made. Ms. McGaughey thanked the Auditors for their service.
Highway – Greg Lebold stated that Catania Engineering will be contacted to discuss ideas for intersection improvement. The cost to do the total area of the terraces is tremendous, so Council is looking at other options.
Solicitor – Nothing to report.
Old Business: MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Diane McGaughey to adopt Resolution 2007-06-01, a Resolution setting forth Borough policy dealing with requests for public records pursuant to the PA Right To Know Law. MOTION approved unanimously, with yes votes of 6 Council Members.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to adopt Resolution 2007-06-02, a resolution adopting the Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan in its entirety, including all maps, charts, text, pictures and all other materials included therein. MOTION approved unanimously, with yes votes of 6 Council Members.
New Business: None
Public Comment: None
Bills for June 4, 2007:
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $22,506.73. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $1,080.07. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano
Borough Secretary