Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, October 7, 2010

Gregory C. Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, Kurt Morrison, Brian Costello, Jack Borsch and David Waltz
Also present: G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig
Not Present: Mayor Scott Shields

Public Comment: Arthur Weisfeld, Senior Community Services, thanked Council for Rutledge’s support of the Senior Schoolhouse Center since 1978. Rutledge’s $200.00 combined with the donations of 14 other communities add up to $55,000.00, which is significant funding. Mr. Weisfeld thanked the Rutledge Girls’ Club for the port-a-potty at the Triangle Park during the softball season.

Minutes: MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Brian Costello, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting September 13, 2010 and Work Session of September 27, 2010. Tom Kopp stated that the name “Walter Ohm” should be corrected to read “Walter Ohmler”. MOTION approved unanimously with noted change.

Tax Collector’s Report: Not present.

Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of September 2010.

Code Enforcement Report: Council President Greg Lebold read Harry Mirra’s report for September.
2 Active Zoning Permits
Now is the time to clean sidewalks and curbs of grass and debris
Trim trees overhanging sidewalks to 10 feet
Mr. Mirra and the Solicitor are working with a homeowner on property maintenance issues and cleaning up the property. There is a court date on October 19, 2010. Mr. Lebold stated that the Borough is not out to gain money through fines, but gain compliance with the ordinances.

Mayor’s Report: Chief Brian Craig read the Police Report for September. Septmeber was a quiet month. There were: 5 Police Calls, 6 Motor Vehicle Citations, 5 Complaints,

1) PSAB 2010 Yearbook & Annual Report
2) Letter from Senior Community to request a donation of $200.00

4th of July: Nothing to report

Communication: Nothing to report.

Ordinance: Brain Costello asked Council Members to attend the Committee Meeting this month to move forward with revisions of ordinances.

Trash: Nothing to report.

Building: Nothing to report.

Sewer: Jack Borsch reported that televising of the Borough’s sewer lines will start this month.

Shade Tree Commission: Jack Borsh reported that the Craft Show fundraiser was cancelled due to poor response from vendors. More trees will be planted in early November.

Highway: David Waltz stated that some of the new stop signs have been installed.

Recreation : Kurt Morrison is working on signage for the basketball court, and having a tree removed from the Triangle Park. Mr. Morrison will look at trimming the cherry trees that are hanging in the road.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that there were: 20 alarms, with time in service of 23 hours, 41 minutes, and 5 drills with time in service of 5 hours, 30 minutes, 10 Misc. activities, 34 hours, 47 minutes in September 2010.
Manpower response – Full Compliment-17, Undermanned – 2, Scratched -1,Highest Manpower Response – 16, Lowest Manpower Response – 1, Late Response – 0.
There was 1 building fire in Rutledge- kids put up a tarp over a shed to make a fort.
One rescue – a child got his/her hand caught in a shredder, and went to the hospital – there was no damage to the hand.
The old fire truck owned by the Borough is listed for sale on the Fire Co.’s website, and people are working with PA Firemen & First Responder magazine to put adds in. A local fire company has expressed interest in the truck. The asking price is $30,000.00 without equipment.
Safety Tips – The cold weather is rapidly approaching. Please make sure your heater and chimney has been maintained and properly cleaned.

Finance: Diane McGaughey reported that information was received from TD Bank for a loan in the amount of $54,000.00, and $100,000.00, at 5.75% for road repairs. Ms. McGaughey stated that $54,000.00 is not enough to repair the roads, and would like to borrow $100,000.00. The budgeted amount of $15,500.00 for road repairs would cover the payments, and taxes would not have to be raised in 2011 to make the payments. The loan funds would have to be used in the year in which they were borrowed, and not held onto. DCED has to review and approve the loan package.
Ms. McGaughey stated that interest rates are low now, and contractor bids are coming in 25-35% less than last year. The Borough should borrow $100,000.00 and repair as many roads as possible with that money.
David Waltz stated that the Borough should borrow $54,000.00 and pay off the loan in 2 ½-3 years.
Solicitor Smith stated that DCED requires that an ordinance be passed to borrow the funds. Documents must be prepared, ad have to be approved by DCED. A minimum of three days is needed to advertise the ordinance.
MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Kurt Morrison, to borrow $54,000.00 from TD Bank, at a rate of 5.75%, for 10 years, with a 5-year call, for road repairs. MOTION approved with a majority vote. (Three NO votes- Greg Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Brian Costello).

Solicitor’s Report – Nothing to report.

Old Business: Jack Borsch solicited 4 bids to televise the Borough’s sewer lines.
American Sewer Service – .71/foot under $10,000.00
Video Pipe Services – $14,253.00
General Sewer Services – .75/foot
Pipe Service Corp of West Chester – .55/foot – $7,839.00 .79/foot if there is a blockage

MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to award the televising of the Borough’s sewer lines job to Pipe Services Corp. of West Chester, PA. MOTION approved unanimously.
Mr. Borsch will contact the contractor, and the contractor will contact Mr. Borsch if there is a problem.

New Business: David Waltz distributed flyers for a drug presentation by police officers from Ridley Park that is sponsored by a federal grant. The presentation will be held at the Rutledge Community Center on Wednesday, October 27, 2010, at 7:00 PM. Mr. Waltz is trying to get the school district to publicize the presentation.

Diane McGaughey stated that the exit lights in the building should be inspected to make sure they are working properly. The batteries for the light fixtures are approximately $50.00 each The Fire Marshall or Fire Chief can do the inspection.

Public Comment: None

Bills for October 4, 2010:

MOTION by Brain Costello, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $4,623.10. MOTON approved unanimously.

MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $392.50. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Diane McGaughey , Second by Jack Borsh, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $29831.25. MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:39 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano



