Rutledge Borough Work Session- January 25, 2016

David Waltz, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 8:00 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: David Waltz, Marlaina Kloepfer, Marie Govannicci, James Jones , Daniel Werner, Kimberly Brown

Also present: Mayor Kevin Cunningham, Michael F. Culp, Esq.

Not Present: Tom Kopp

Public Comment: None

Dan Werner stated that a permit was received previously for a shed, but it was not within the required setbacks. The resident submitted a new map that shows a new location of the shed, which complies with the Borough’s zoning requirements. A permit was received for a removable ramp. Mr. Werner will review it.

Marie Govannicci reported that the Rutledge Girls’ Club is getting ready for the upcoming softball season and will have signups next month. Ms. Govannicci will inform Marlaina Kloepfer of the dates so that the information can be posted on the Borough’s website.

The Shade Tree Commission is looking to have its ordinance passed. The Planning Commission is reviewing the ordinance. Jack Borsch resigned from the Commission at the last meeting. They are looking for volunteers for the Commission.

The Rutledge Borough Activities Committee is in the process of getting its Committee together, and is looking for new members.

David Waltz reported that the plow on the Borough truck broke down while Mark Bascelli was plowing. The part to mount the plow is not made anymore. J. Jansen Landscaping did the plowing. The truck is fine but is not able to handle the plowing. Mr. Waltz is getting prices for other options. MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Jim Jones, to sub out the balance of the winter of 2016 snow plowing at a cost not to exceed $180.00 per hour. MOTION approved unanimously.

Discussed the purchase of a dump truck, or a lease/purchase agreement. Discussed asking other municipalities to plow the streets for the remainder of the season.

Jim Jones asked Dan Werner for the sewer videos from four years ago. The Secretary should have the information. Mr. Jones stated that he is looking into getting grants, low interest loans, and matching funds. We will not be able to get the total $1M. The lines have to be videoed again and keep up with the repair schedule from Catania Engineering.

Residents should call the trash contractor to make arrangements to pick up large items.

Marlaina Kloepfer reported that the Communication Committee has set up the new email addresses for Council and other Committee Members. Ms. Kloepfer reported on comments received about the snowstorm- concern about parked cars, did not see the plow go through, Linden Ave. not plowed and water build up. Ms. Govannicci is concerned about some of the corners and the school buses not able to make the turns.

Discussed parking of residents from the Morton apartments on Rutledge streets.

Ms. Kloepfer stated that the Planning Commission worked on the Shade Tree Ordinance that was submitted. Two new members have joined the Commission.

Mayor Kevin Cunningham reported that the Souper Bowl of caring will take place on the Saturday before the Super Bowl. Residents are asked to place non-perishable foods on their steps or porches for pickup. The food will be sorted at Chambers Memorial Church, and distributed to food banks in Delaware County.

Mayor Cunningham did some research on snow emergency routes and no parking of vehicles. Signs must be posted on the streets “Snow Emergency Route”. Ms. Govannicci suggested that the Borough make arrangements for residents to park their cars in the Chambers Memorial Church parking lot.

David Waltz reported that the request for cheerleading lessons at the Fire Co. was turned down by the Rutledge Zoning Hearing Board as a violation. The Zoning Board Chair has contacted their attorney, and no appeal was filed. Mr. Waltz will instruct Catania Engineering to cite the Fire Co. for continuing to hold cheerleading lessons.

Council discussed its relationship with the Fire Co. versus a few members. Ms. Govannicci stated that she would like to nurture the relationship with the Fire Co., and is going to a February Fire Co. Meeting and will provide food and drinks. She has a duty as a Council person to help maintain a good relationship with the Fire Co. on behalf of the residents.

Mark Bascelli would like to build a loft in the garage to store items that are on the floor. He will do the work, and try to get discounts and donations of the materials. MOTION by Jim Jones, Second by Marie Govannicci, to authorize the highwayman to build a loft in the garage at a cost not to exceed $650.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Marlaina Kloepfer, Second by Marie Govannicci, to appoint Joseph Phillips and Ken Torres to the Planning Commission. MOTION approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned 9:05 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano




