Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, July 11, 2011

M. Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, M.Diane McGaughey, Brian Costello, Jack Borsch (8:10 PM) Marlaina Kloepfer, Kurt Morrison, and David Waltz.
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Sergeant Stufflet

Minutes: MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Brian Costello, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of June 6, 2011. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the minutes from the June 27, 2011 Work Session. Tom Kopp stated that it was not said that there would be no more fire truck rides on July 4; there is a possibility that there will be no rides. MOTION approved unanimously.

Solicitor Smith stated that the Secretary gets request to see the minutes before Council has approved them. The Borough cannot give out the minutes before Council has approved them. The minutes may be distributed to the Mayor and Council.

Public Comment: Mary Woodling, 227 Sylvan Ave., has an updated history of Rutledge, as of December, 2010, saved on dics as a PDF file, available for sale. Ms. Woodling has 12 of the old books available. Marlain Kloepfer asked if the Borough could post the information on the website. Ms. Woodling stated that the information could be posted on the website.

Kevin Cunningham, 20 Rutledge Ave., reported that the softball season is over, and the PeeWees, ages 10 and under, made the playoffs. The port-a-potty is gone, and the backdrop will be removed. Mr. Cunningham thanked everyone who voted him as Citizen of the Year. It is an honor, and means a lot to him to be voted by his peers. He believes in volunteering, which he learned from Bobby Kennedy.

Thomas Heron, 228 Rutledge Ave., asked if any further research had been done regarding a crosswalk at the apex of the Triangle Park. A lot of children cross the street there, and there should be signage to add safety at that corner. Mayor Lebold looked into it, and Council can authorize the Highwayman to install a sign. Diane McGaguhey stated that she would like Ridley Twp. to paint the lines at Morton & Swarthmore Aves. Sergeant Stufflet stated that PennDOT rules for crosswalks are not pedestrian friendly. David Waltz stated that he has a meeting with Ridley Twp. tomorrow night and will inquire about it. Kurt Morrison suggested that more stop signs be placed on Swarthmore Ave. Mr. Heron stated that motorists do not stop, at the signs, but roll through them.

Tax Collector’s Report: Thomas Heron submitted a check for $7,069.68- June collections

Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of June2011.

Code Enforcement Report: Harry Mirra read his report for June 2011:
2 House Inspections- Passed
5 Correction Notices Issued
120 Linden Ave. – wood on Borough manhole
201 President Ave. – Tree trunk removed
101 Morton Ave. – High grass
1505 Melrose Terr./110 Sylvan Ave.- Bamboo on properties are affecting neighbors’ grounds
6 Zoning permits

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Greg Lebold read the Police Report for June. There were: 6 Parking Tickets, 7 Motor Vehicle Citations, 9 Calls, 3 Complaints and 1 assist ambulance. There were various calls, including, tires slashed, underage drinking, and a house egged by an ex-boyfriend.

Sergeant Stufflet reported that Swarthmore Police will check on properties whose owners are on vacation. Rutledge residents have not taken advantage of this service. It is not a bother to the police.

Sergeant Stufflet reported that cars have been entered into and change, GPS systems, CDs have been stolen and asked residents to lock their car doors.

1) Aqua PA Backflow preventor test Borough building- passed
2) Delaware County Clerk – 2010 Liquid Fuel allocation of $1,485.00 for road repairs has been approved.
3) Pa DEP – Demolition/Asbestos notification requirements
4) Nick & Monique Constantino, 216 Rutledge Ave.- Object to the removal of the basket ball hoops

4th of July: Nothing to report.

Rutledge Girls’ Club- Addressed under Public Comment.

Communication: Marlain Kloepfer reported that she took a lot of pictures and video of the July 4th celebration. Ms. Kloepfer will get more committee specific information to post to the website.

Ordinance: Brain Costello stated that he is working with the Zoning Hearing Board to review certain ordinances and standards associated with business that is out there now.

Trash: Jack Borsch reported that the current trash contract expires December 31, 2011. The Borough will go out for bids for a three-year contract in September, to be opened in October.

Mr. Borsch reminded resident that no plastic bags are to be placed in recycling. The bags can be brought to the supermarket to be recycled.

Mr. Morrison stated that last time the Borough went out for bids, there were many options. This time there will be only one- Monday trash pickup and Wednesday recycling. There was an issue with increased fuel prices in 2010.
Solicitor Smith stated that the PA State Governor signed legislation that all lame duck contracts are not binding on the new Council- HB1449. If a contract is signed, the new Council must ratify it. Solicitor Smith will contact the PA Association of Boroughs to figure out how to handle this.

Building: Brian Costello reported that there is one application pending for a garage.

Sewer: Jack Borsch reported that he is reviewing the DVD of the Borough’s sewer lines. There are a lot of bad spots that need repairs. There are a lot of bad connections from the homeowners’ laterals to the Borough’s mains. Mr. Borsch will contact the Borough Engineer to make recommendations for the work to be done.

Shade Tree Commission: Jack Borsch reported that the replacement trees planted on Unity Terrace have died and have been removed. The Committee will have to take a loss, because the trees were replacements for those that died on Sylvan Ave. There is a meeting this Wednesday night.

Highway: David Waltz reported that he is waiting for prices for signs. Diane McGaughey reported that she drove around the Borough and found six streetlights that are out, and gave the list to the Secretary to have repaired.

Recreation: Kurt Morrison stated that he has heard from five residents who live near the Triangle Park. All comments have been positive regarding the removal of the basketball hoops. The incidents of foul language have stopped.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported the Fire Co. activities for May & June: May 16 Alarms Time in service 10 Hours, 27 Minutes, 5 Drills Time in service 12 Hours, 7 Minutes.
June- 26 Alarms Time in service 17 Hours 39 Minutes, 3 Drills Time in service 6 Hours 23 Minutes
Assisted Springfield with a fire on Swarthmore Ave.
Mr. Kopp submitted a list of Elderly Home Safety Tips.
The Fire Co. is approximately $3,000.00 short on the 2010 Fund Drive. The goal is $21,000.00 and they are at $18,500.00.
Mr. Kopp reported that there are more episodes lately of fires caused by clogged dryer vents.

Finance: Diane McGaughey asked Council members to pay attention to expenditures. There are a few rentals downstairs in the summer, and the rental fees have been increased to $295.00 and $475.00.

Solicitor’s Report: Solicitor Smith stated that he is doing research on the sale ads that are thrown on residents’ lawns. Mr. Smith reported that he had sent a letter to a resident who had property maintenance violations. He received a response on July 10. He will discuss the matter with Council in Executive Session, as it concerns possible legal action.

Old Business: Tom Kopp reported that there are tree limbs hanging over the sidewalk on the bridge on Morton Ave. near the Rutledge Court Apartments. Harry Mirra will contact the owner. Mr. Kopp stated that there are tree limbs hanging in the 200 block of Rutledge Ave. at the Triangle Park. The fire trucks cannot get down the street without damaging the trees if cars are parked on the street. Mr. Kopp asked that the trees be trimmed.

Jack Borsch reported that he completed the forms to change the Emergency Management Coordinator for Rutledge Borough to Tom Kopp, and sent them to the County. The Mayor is automatically on the call list. A letter must be sent to Ed Truitt.
MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Tom Kopp, to accept the resignation of Jack Borsch as Rutledge Borough’s Emergency Management Coordinator. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to appoint Tom Kopp as Rutledge Borough’s Emergency Management Coordinator. MOTION approved unanimously.

New Business: A representative from TD Bank will attend the Work Session on July 25, 2011 to discuss the loan for road repairs.

Diane McGaughey distributed a list of committee assignments. David Waltz stated that Diane McGaughey cannot be Chair of any committees.

Diane McGaughey attended a presentation given by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Department. There are grants available for planning- ordinances, sidewalks, and bicycle paths. A non-binding letter of intent must be sent by July 15, 2011. The Planning Commission for the Borough has been Council.

Solicitor Smith stated that council has taken on the duties of a Planning Commission without actually having one. According to the State Borough Code, there are limitations on who can be on the Commission and how many members can be on it. Ms. McGaughey stated that the Borough might be able to use the grant to advertise the proposed ordinance revisions. Ms. McGaughey asked David Waltz to take over the grant work, and he declined.

Applications must be received by September 1, 2011. The Borough would have to match 5% in cash, and 15% in kind. Solicitor Smith stated that Council has the power to create a Planning Commission by ordinance. Members must be residents of the municipality, with one Council Member and two citizens. Brian Costello expressed concern regarding the time constraints of advertising and having a Commission formed by September 1, 2011.

Diane McGaughey stated the information regarding Senate Bill 101 is in the folders. Solicitor Smith stated that any policies or decisions made by Council members not at an advertised public meeting, behind the scenes, will be subject to fines. Council members will be personally liable for those decisions, and will be fined.

SPCA Stray Boarding contract – The SPCA will extend its stray boarding contract with interested municipalities from July 1 to December 31, 2011. The current contract expired June 30, 2011. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to authorize the extension of the SPCA Stray Boarding Contract from July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. MOTION approved unanimously. Mayor Lebold stated that COG is looking for an alternative.

The Delaware County Health Dept. requested a letter of support from all of the Health Officers in the County for a grant application to be submitted to the Center for Disease Control. Solicitor Smith stated that it should be kept off of Council’s table, and be a Health Officer decision.

Diane McGaughey reported that there is a Municipal Energy Efficiency Grant Program to be administered by Delaware County. There are $700,000.00 in grant money available to fund energy efficient projects in the Borough, such as programmable thermostats, replacement of bulbs, etc. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Brian Costello, to authorize Diane McGaughey to submit an Energy Smart Communities Municipal Energy Efficiency Grant Program application on behalf of the Borough of Rutledge. MOTION approved unanimously.

Diane McGaughey distributed information regarding a rooftop solar initiative. A non-binding letter of intent must be sent by July 15, 2011. Solicitor Smith stated that Council approval is not needed.

Brain Costello stated that the 4th of July Celebration was outstanding. He was out of town, but heard how great it was, and congratulated the planners.

Public Comment: None

Bills for July 11, 2011:

MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $30,604.14. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $348.17. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $34,714.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

Council President McGaughey declared Executive Session at 9:06 PM to discuss property maintenance violations. Executive Session ended at 9:45 PM.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:46 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano



