Rutledge Borough Council Meeting- March 7, 2016

David Waltz, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: David Waltz, James Jones, Marlaina Kloepfer, Daniel Werner, Marie Govannicci

Also present: Mayor Kevin Cunningham, Police Chief Brian Craig, Michael F. Culp, Esq.

Not Present: Tom Kopp, Kimberly Brown


Public Comment: Paul Schregel, Dr. Richard C. Sonntag, Sally Morbeck, Dr. Michael Pladus, and Dr. Lisa Palmer, Wallingford-Swarthmore School District

Dr. Pladus stated that the proposed increase in the school taxes in the amount of 3.9% is not a final number. The nine Board members care about education and the tax burden on the community. He was brought out if retirement to look over the books and make recommendations. Dr. Palmer was hired because she is a strong educational leader and knows finance. Funding the school system in the district is tough because there are no corporate industrial businesses and the burden for running the schools falls on the homeowners. The Board is doing all it can to keep costs down, but does not want to destroy the educational gem that residents have, which will happen if any more cuts are made.

Dr. Palmer stated that the Board has to do a preliminary budget earlier, January 4, 2016, and wanted to err on the side of conservative. They have no state budget for the 2015-2016 school year. The Board wants to maintain a strong educational program. Retirement plan costs increase approximately 7.5% per year.  There is a $2.2 to $3.2 million dollar deficit. The greatest unknown in the school district budget is the State’s budget.

Tom Heron, 228 Rutledge Ave., stated that he is the Tax Collector and it is challenging and becomes a strain for retired residents to pay school taxes. Dr. Sonntag stated that the Board is bothered by that, also. There are retirees on the Board who remind everyone of that fact, and it is foremost in the Board members’ minds. The tax system in Pennsylvania has been overly reliant on local taxes. A reasonable solution would be to have Harrisburg change the formula to make it more friendly to seniors and funded by people more in a position to fund it.

Sally Morbeck stated that there are many fixed costs that cannot be avoided. The revenue stays the same, but the fixed costs go up. The Board has to be careful not to touch the meat of the programs. They cut everything they can, and can only raise taxes to make up the revenue.

The State has developed a school performance profile, and Strath Haven High School is number 2 in the State out of 650 high schools.

Dan Werner thanked the members for coming to the meeting, and serving on the Board. The Board has been fiscally responsible, and he compares the district to others, such as Upper Darby, Ridley and Garnet Valley. He does not see any waste in the school system. Mr. Werner thanked the Board for trying to keep expenditures down as much as possible, and for their due diligence. He has two sons who went through the school system, and one is going for his doctorate, and have benefitted from their education.

Mayor Kevin Cunningham stated that he has two children who attended schools in the district, one of whom is a pre-med student. Both children have excelled academically, and the schools brought out the best in them.

Ken Torres-Zickler stated that his daughter will start first grade in the fall.

Robert Hunt, 209 Linden Ave., stated that his father insisted that he move his family into the school district. He has two children who went through the district’s excellent schools. Mr. Hunt is about to retire, and he is concerned that there will be a point when it is too expensive for him to live here. He is thankful for the education. The community will change, and will lose the experience of senior citizens if they are forced to move out.

Ms. Govannicci asked the School Board if there was something that Rutledge Borough Council can do to help the older residents so that they don’t have to move. Dr. Sonntag stated that residents and Council should write to the State legislature and ask for structural reform, and vote for the proper people.

Retirement plans average a 7.5% increase per year, and that will drive up taxes in any system.

Dr. Pladus stated that about 65% of the budget is salaries and benefits. Maintenance projects and spending have been deferred. Positions have been downgraded and restructured. As people retire, the Board is looking at not filling the position. If a teacher is not replaced, class size goes up.

The Board has taken every opportunity to refinance bonds when they are called and realized a 10 million savings when they refinanced three years ago. The Summit St. property was sold. The Board is always looking at opportunities to operate more efficiently.

Mayor Cunningham reported that the State Representative was invited to the meeting, but had a prior commitment.

Dr. Pladus commended the residents for the quality of life in the Borough and thanked Council for their kind words.

Minutes: MOTION by Marlaina Kloepfer, Second by Jim Jones, to approve the minutes for the Council Meeting of February 1, 2016. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Marie Govannicci, Second by Jim Jones, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Work Session of February 25, 2016. MOTION approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of February 2016. MOTION by Dan Werner , Second by Jim Jones, to approve the February Treasurer’s Report as submitted. MOTION approved unanimously.

Tax Collector’s Report: Thomas Heron reported that $67,142.69 was collected for 2016 taxes, 16% of the discount period of $428,000.00. Mr. Heron stated that the delinquent taxes were turned over to the County in the amount of $2,959.73 unpaid for 2015.

Code Enforcement: No report.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Kevin Cunningham read the Police Report for February 2016. There were 23 Parking Tickets, 3 traffic tickets and 3 traffic warnings.

The Snow Jam will be on Saturday, April 3, for residents to perform.

Public Safety: No report.

Finance:No report.

Property/Building Maintenance: No report.

Rutledge Activities Committee: Marie Govannicci reported that the Easter Egg Hunt will be on Sunday, March 20, 2:30 PM.

Recreation:   Marie Govannicci reported that all of the repairs recommended by the insurance company are being worked on. Mulch has been placed. New swings are on order.

Rutledge Girls’ Club: Softball signups were held and will start in March. The park is in the process of getting prepared. The ballfield will be smoothed out when the weather gets better.

Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that the next meeting is Thursday at 7:30 PM.

Planning Commission: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that they are working on the fire pit and Shade Tree Commission ordinances. They will look at solar panel ordinances in the future. The next meeting is on Monday, March 14.

Ordinance: Nothing to report.

Trash:  Nothing to report.

Building:  Dan Werner reported that he approved two permits.

Sewer: Jim Jones reported that there were some sewer backups during the last rainstorm. General Sewer cleared the blockage in the Borough’s sewer main.

There is a CDCA meeting tomorrow. David Waltz asked Mr. Jones to contact General Sewer to see if they can clear out the drains at the rain garden at the Triangle Park. It was flooded during the last rain storm.

Shade Tree Commission: Suzanne Stewart is Co-Vice President.  Seven trees will be planted on April 23, 2016. The next meeting will be on April 21, 2016, with an orientation for the residents who are getting trees. There will be a plant swap- date to be determined.

Streets: David Waltz reported that potholes are being repaired.

Solicitor’s Report: Nothing to report.

Old Business: Nothing to report.

New Business: Dan Werner submitted his resignation as Council Member, because of increased work responsibilities. Council is a very diverse group, and represents a cross section of the residents of the Borough. Council gives a lot to the Community, and decisions are not made lightly. Mr. Werner encouraged all to be diligent and to look at the residents and come to decisions mutually. Mr. Werner thanked Council for his time on the board. MOTION by Marie Govannicci, Second by Jim Jones, to accept the resignation of Dan Werner as Council Member. MOTION approved unanimously.

Public Comment: None

Bills for March 7, 2016: 

MOTION by Dan Werner, Second by Marie Govannicci, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $48,063.17.  MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by  Dan Werner, Second by Marie Govannicci, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $2,541.65. MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM.

Submitted by:

Gennifer Guiliano








