Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:35 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Diane McGaughey, Daniel Werner, Marie Govannicci, Marlaina Kloepfer, David Waltz

Also present: Mayor Kevin Cunningham

Not Present: Tom Kopp, Brian Costello

Building: 29 Linden Ave. submitted an application to use part of the existing porch as a foyer. Measurements on a plot plan are needed.

Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that there will be a Communications Committee Meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2013, at 7:30. Ms. Kloepfer attended a grant workshop at Neuman College. It covered general information for grants. Ms. Kloepfer hosted a meeting at her house for a half hour Global Alert webinar. The cost is $500.00 per year for email, text and telephone alerts. The Borough would own the list.

Finance: Nothing to report.

Ordinance: Nothing to report.

Property/Borough Building: Karl Eilisnfeld repaired the wall that fell down on the stage, and painted the area.

Public Safety: David Waltz reported that a Fire Marshall needs to be appointed. MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Daniel Werner, to appoint Tom Kopp as Fire Marshall. MOTION approved unanimously.

The Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. will have a Public Safety Day on April 27, 2013.

The fund drive is $3,000.00 short, and the fire company is trying to make it up.

The new fire truck has arrived and is getting lettered.

The whistle will be removed from the Borough building when the weather breaks.

Recreation: Marie Govannicci reported that she and Marlaina Kloepfer spent time working on a Growing Green PECO grant to make the Triangle more “Green”. The grant is a matching grant.

Ms. Govannicci gave a sample resolution to the Mayor to make the Triangle Park tobacco free. Thurm Bredlinger gave a sign to the Borough. More may be ordered at no cost. Ms. Govannicci would like three signs posted.

Rutledge Girls’ Club: Softball signups are completed.

Trash: Daniel Werner reported that Suburban Waste has provided a new phone number for residents to call for inquiries-610-431-5163. Recycling for 2012 was 91.68 tons.

Sewer: Nothing to report.

Tree Commission: Nothing to report.

Highway: Gennifer Guiliano reported that the PA Infrastructure Bank loan documents were mailed on February 15, 2013.

MMEAC: Marie Govannicci will attend the February 26, 2013 meeting.

Mayor: Kevin Cunningham reported that the Snow Jam on Saturday night was a success. About 130 people attended. He would like to have another one in the summer at the Triangle Park. Mayor Cunningham will look into electronic waste collection for the Borough.

Solicitor: No report.

Old Business: Nothing to report.

New: Daniel Werner reported that 6 feet of stone was placed in Mr. Todd’s garage. The contractor is waiting for the stone to settle before pouring cement/concrete.

Diane McGaughey reported that a car drove into the fence at Triangle Park, Swarthmore Ave. side. The car owner would like to pay for the damages and not report the accident to his insurance company. Karl Eilinsfeld got a price quote to repair the fence. The Mayor will get the police report. The matter will be referred to the Solicitor.

Diane McGaughey reported that she attended the COG meeting in Lansdowne Borough, where recycling of computers and other electronic devices was discussed. Introduction to performance contracting was discussed. The company will look at the community and advise what green things can be done.

A presentation on bonds was given. Bonds would be issued for $1 million or more and may be used for sewer and road repair.

The PA State Association of Boroughs is having a seminar- “Municipal Officials Training and Skills Development” on March 21, 2013, Chester County Days Hotel & Conference Center. Marlaina Kloepfer will attend.

The State Auditor has been here for five days, so far, to audit Liquid Fuels for 2009, 2010, and 2011.

Diane McGaughey reported that three price quotes were received to replace the heater, air conditioning, and insulate the duct work in the Borough Office. Daniel Werner will review the information.

David Waltz stated that the new Solicitor is not licensed to practice in PA. Diane McGaughey stated that Mr. Hunt is sitting for the bar exam tomorrow. This is why Guy Smith is still the Solicitor and advising the Borough.

Life-Line Screening will be at the Rutledge Community Center on April 25, 2013. Rutledge will get $10.00 for each test signup, provided that the people pre-register. Marlaina Kloepfer will post the information on the website.

Public Comment: Jack Borsch stated that Morton Borough had an electronic waste recycling event, and only two people showed up to recycle things. Mr. Borsch would like clarification on holiday trash pickup.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano, Secretary




