Rutledge Borough Work Session, February 27, 2012

Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:38 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, David Waltz, Brian Costello, Marlaina Kloepfer, and Marie Govannicci
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, Karl Eilinsfeld
Not present: Daniel Werner

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Lebold reported that there was a Sound Off complaint in the Delaware County Daily Times regarding cars parked overnight. The Swarthmore Police contract expires at the end of 2012. Tom Kopp, Greg Lebold and Diane McGaughey will work on negotiations for a new police contract.

Building: Nothing to report.

Communication: Marlain Kloepfer is to be contacted if anything comes up for the website or Facebook page. Seminar on May 17, 2012- Communicating in the 21st Century- Ms. Kloepfer will attend.

Finance: Brian Costello would like a cash flow report quarterly.

Ordinance: Nothing to report.

Property/Borough Building: Diane McGaughey reported that the Borough received a grant of $14,210.00 for energy efficiency- replace Exit signs, replace 1st floor Community Center lights, replace 2 outside lights, and replace some streetlights, all with LED low energy lights.
Rosalie Morral painted the two outside signs.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp thanked Council for the fruit arrangement. Jerry Connelly sent invitations to Council to the Morton-Rutledge Banquet in March.

The Fire Co. needs Diane McGaughey to sign the title of the GMC Jimmy over to the Fire Co.

Recreation: Marie Govannicci met with the 4th of July Committee. The Easter Egg Hunt date is to be determined.

The Rutledge Girls’ Club had 3 signups for softball.

Ms. Govannicci has been monitoring the activity at the basketball courts. She went on a warm, sunny day to speak with the boys using the court. The age range was from 18-24, and they have pickup games. They were respectful to her. Karl Eilinsfeld stated that trash has been left at the park near the basketball court.
David Waltz stated that he met with an electrician regarding electricity at the Triangle Park.
Mr. Waltz spoke with Kevin Cunningham regarding dirt at the infield of the softball field. He got a price of $96/yard and free delivery. 4 yards are needed.
MOTION by Marie Govanicci, Second by Brian Costello, to authorize the purchase of 4 yards of Diamondtek infield dirt, at a cost not to exceed $96.00/yard. MOTION approved unanimously.

Trash: Nothing to report.

Sewer: Daniel Werner had sent a draft report regarding inflow and infiltration into the sewer system to be distributed to residents after Council reviews the document.
David Waltz stated that he had discussed sewer repairs with Charles Catania and Representative Joe Hackett. They suggested that Rutledge apply for funds from PennVest. A list of sewer blockages in the sewer mains is needed.

Tree Commission: Karl Eilinsfeld submitted a letter to Council, requesting that Jack Borsch be appointed as a Tree Commission Member. MOTION by Marie Govanicci, Second by Brian Costello, to appoint Jack Borsch as a member of the Rutledge Borough Shade Tree Committee. MOTION approved unanimously.

Highway: David Waltz is to complete an application for a PennDOT loan for road repairs. Mr. Waltz spoke with Representative Joe Hackett about obtaining County funds to repair Swarthmore Ave.
The roads to be repaired are Waverly Terrace from Rutledge Ave. to President Ave., and Unity Terrace from Rutledge Ave., to Sylvan Ave., and part of Unity Terr. from Sylvan to President.
The grant from the County, $1,485.00 per year, now totaling $8,910.00 must be used in 2012, or forfeited. Mayor Lebold reported that Liquid Fuels funds may now be used for curbing.
Mr. Waltz will order street signs for Waverly Terrace and Linden Avenue.

MMEAC: Meeting 02/28/12, 7:30 PM, Furness Library in Wallingford. Diane McGaughey will attend.

Old Business: Two email inquiries were received regarding the representative to CDCA position. Daniel Werner will attend the meetings until someone else fills the position.

Karl Eilinsfeld reported that the snow blower broke and could not be repaired. He purchased a new one for $499.00.

New: Ms. McGaughey suggested that the Borough have a cleanup day for residents.

Karl Eilinsfeld asked if the group home at 1 Sylvan Ave. pays trash and sewer fees- yes.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano



