Rutledge Borough Work Session- July 25, 2016

David Waltz, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 8:00 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: David Waltz, Marie Govannicci, James Jones, Kimberly Brown, John Shingle, Marlaina Kloepfer

Also present: Mayor Kevin Cunningham, Michael F. Culp, Esq.

Public Comment: Rachel Sten, 218 E. Sylvan Ave., read a letter she wrote to Council, as President of the Shade Tree Commission.

To Members of Rutledge Borough Council,

On behalf of the Rutledge Borough Shade Tree Commission I would like to express our surprise and disappointment in the very severe pruning of the (once) large Bradford Pear tree in front of Borough Hall.

 We understand that this job was done in haste to trim back branches that were interfering with the flag pole and lowering the flag to half-staff. We do not disagree that pruning was required, nor that time was of the essence. However, we exist as a Borough Commission to serve as a resource for just this very occasion. Out of the 5 officers in our ranks, 4 of us are Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Tree-Tender Certified, and the 5th is currently completing her certification. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of this education is our connection and regular dialog with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s expert arborists. In short, we are truly disappointed that such a severe (and inadvisable) pruning was done to this tree without so much as a courtesy call to the Shade Tree Commission.

Had we been made aware of the need to prune this tree, we would have been able to offer advice for branch removal this time of year, best practices for a storm-damaged tree, and most notably, consideration that although unmarked, this was in fact a memorial tree, planted for Charles Pugh by Council many years ago. So goes the adage of hindsight.

We have been working hard to establish a renewed and active role in this community, by hosting events and organizing tree plantings on Borough and private properties. We are just beginning to gain some momentum and awareness as ‘the tree people’ here in Rutledge, and we sincerely feel that when pruning happens on Borough property, it reflects on our Commission – for better or for worse. Although this may be standard practice for many landscaping companies and tree trimmers, the job done on this Pear tree is an unfortunate example of what NOT to do for the health and safety of any tree. The severity and timing of this pruning will lead to the expedited death of this tree. This is not simply our opinion, it is the reality of arboriculture. We feel that this pruning diminishes our efforts to educate residents about proper tree care, and potentially damages our reputation as a commission, given that residents will likely believe we had a role in it.

The Shade Tree Commission is an impassioned group of individuals and I am no exception. We care deeply about the work we volunteer to do, and we take it to heart when aren’t given an opportunity to make a positive impact when we know we are capable.

Despite any historical unrest between our commission and Council, or that fact that most of Rutledge has been largely unaware of our existence, I would like to state firmly and clearly that The Shade Tree Commission is here to serve the citizens of Rutledge. It is our goal to work cooperatively with Council and the community to be good stewards to trees planted before we arrived, and to plant those that will be here long after we are gone. There will always be occasions for which time is of the essence; it is our intention to consider and advocate for the long-view of our horticultural decisions.

We cannot un-prune the Pear tree, but we can respectfully encourage Council to call upon us in the future, to inquire about best practices, to seek advice, and to hear out our recommended plan of action for issues just such as this. That is what we are here to do.

Council President David Waltz apologized. He made the arrangements to have the tree pruned.

Sara Hill, 18 Rutledge Ave., asked if there were any new developments with the property maintenance issues at 7 Rutledge Ave. Council President Waltz stated that there was a hearing, and the bank that owns the property will be here on Thursday to correct the property maintenance issues. Ms. Hill stated that she has compassion for what the resident is going through, and she is afraid for the owner’s safety.

Building/Borough Property– Nothing to report.

Building Permits– Nothing to report.

Finance – Nothing to report.

Public Safety : Nothing to report.

Shade Tree Commission :   Marie Govannicci reported that she attended the meeting.  They discussed the pruned pear tree, the proposed ordinance, and did a strategic planning exercise. The next meeting is on August 18, 2016.

Rutledge Activities Committee – Marie Govannicci reported that the Committee is doing well. The Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. requested use of the Triangle Park for the Annual Horseshoe Tournament on Saturday, September 17, 2016. The rain date will be September 18, 2016. MOTION by Marie Govannicci, Second by John Shingle, to allow the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. to use the Triangle Park on Saturday, September 17, for the Annual Horseshoe Tournament. MOTION approved unanimously.

Kim Brown reported that 60 Tshirts were sold, and there is an order in for more shirts.

Rutledge Girls’ Club: No report.

Streets – David Waltz reported that Mark Bascelli has been patching potholes. The new truck will be delivered in September. Mr. Waltz received a quote of $3,000.00 for a trade-in for the current Borough truck. It has low mileage, and needs minor body work. MOTION by Jim Jones, Second by Marie Govannicci, to sell the Borough truck through Municibid, when the new truck is delvered. MOTION approved unanimously.

The salt spreader will be sold, as well. The plow will be junked.

Sewer– Nothing to report.

Trash – Nothing to report.

Communications – Marlaina Kloepfer reported that she will work with the intern to retype permit applications in Word format so they can be completed online. Ms. Kloepfer and Marie Govannicci will organize the Community Yard Sale on Saturday, September 10, 2016, and will place ads in the local papers.

Planning Commission –  No report.

Mayor – Mayor Kevin Cunningham would like to have a meeting, once a month, on Saturdays, “Coffee with the Mayor”, and invite residents. It will be an informal setting to meet with residents and get their opinions. Hew would like to have meetings for two months, to see how it works out.

Solicitor – Nothing to report.

Old Business: Kim Brown and Rachel Sten distributed proposed Borough logos. They would like to coordinate the logo with that of the Shade Tree Commission. Kim Brown stated that the T-shirts with the R logo were a big seller at the July 4th festivities. Council reviewed the options, and would like a seal rather than a logo. Rachel Sten will work on new designs.

Kim Brown reviewed the draft parking permit ordinance that was emailed to Council. David Waltz stated that Melrose Terrace needs to be excluded because one side is Ridley Twp. MS. Brown distributed sample stickers from Swarthmore Borough. The stickers would be placed on the rear windows, driver’s side. The Mayor suggested that the part about snow and plowing be removed because there are other ordinances that address snow plowing. Mr. Jones started that there should be no fees to the residents. The proposed ordinance needs to be advertised for seven days and voted on at a public meeting.

MOTION by Kim Brown, Second by Jim Jones, to authorize the Secretary to advertise proposed Ordinance #473, an ordinance that requires parking permits to park vehicles overnight on certain streets in the Borough. MOTION approved unanimously.

David Waltz reported that he met with Jane Billings, Swarthmore Borough, to discuss sewer billing based on Aqua PA water usage. Ms. Billings helped him with the calculations. The County can include the information on the tax bills.

CodeRed sent a letter of termination of their services.

MOTION by Jim Jones, Second by John Shingle, to appoint Eric Leggett to fill the term on Council vacated by Tom Kopp. MOTION approved with a majority of YES votes. (Yes- K. Brown, J. Shingle, D. Waltz, J. Jones; NO- M. Govannicci, Abstained- M. Kloepfer)

New Business : Kim Brown submitted a letter of resignation as a Council Member because of a work commitment, and she will be working with the Federal Government and not allowed to hold an elected office. Ms. Brown will continue to support Council and be actively involved in the community.

MOTION by Marie Govannicci, Second by Jim Jones, to accept the resignation of Kimberly Brown as Council Member. MOTION approved unanimously.

Marlaina Kloepfer will post the position and request that resumes be submitted by August 15, 2016, with candidates to be interviewed on August 22, 2016, at the Work Session.

Public Comment: Rachel Sten, 218 E. Sylvan Ave., stated that there is a scramble on the 4th of July to find a grill. She has a big charcoal grill and chimney coal starter that she would like to donate.

Meeting adjourned 8:41 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano





