Rutledge Borough Work Session, March 28, 2016

David Waltz, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 8:00 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: David Waltz, Marie Govannicci, James Jones , Kimberly Brown, Marlaina Kloepfer

Also present: Mayor Kevin Cunningham,  Michael F. Culp, Esq.

Not Present: Tom Kopp

Public Comment: None

Building/Borough Property– The electricity contract with Constellation Energy has expired, and a new one is required. MOTION by Marie Govannicci, Second by Jim Jones, to approve a one-year contract with Constellation Energy. MOTION approved unanimously.

Building Permits– Reviewed the procedures for Building Permits. David Waltz will take over the Building Committee. The Secretary gets the permit application, and sends an email to David Waltz. Mr. Waltz will review the permit for zoning compliance. Any additions will go to the Building Committee on meeting night. The approved permit will be sent to Catania Engineering for code approval.

The Planning Commission reviewed the fence ordinance and did not recommend any changes.

Finance -  David Waltz will take over until a replacement is found.

Public Safety – No report. Jim Jones will contact Tom Kopp. A fine of $500.00 was levied against the Fire Co. for having cheerleading lessons that are not allowed.

Shade Tree Commission– Marie Govannicci reported that the Commission is reviewing the ordinance for approval. They will plant trees in April, and also have a meeting.

Rutledge Activities Committee – Marie Govannicci reported that an invitation will be sent to the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. to attend the July 4 activities. The Triangle Park is getting upgraded according to the insurance recommendations.  The benches will be replaced, the swings will be replaced, and the trash cans repaired. A rubber mat will be placed under the swings, and the softball field was redone.

The Easter Egg hunt was a success. Ms. Govannicci talked to people to volunteer for things.

The Committee would like to have a dance for adults that includes group instructions.

The Rutledge Girls’ Club started practice.

Streets – David Waltz reported that the Highwayman has been patching potholes. He will start the repair of the lintel on the garage soon.

Sewer – Jim Jones reported that the storm sewer at Sylvan Ave. and Melrose Terrace is falling in and needs new brick work and grouting. Mr. Jones will have three contractors give prices. Mr. Jones is looking for grants for sewer work, but things are tightening up.

Trash –The contract with Suburban Waste is up in December. Discussed electronic recycling.

Communications – Marlaina Kloepfer reported that there will be a yoga class on Sunday at 4:00 PM.

Planning Commission – Marlaina Kloepfer reported that the fire pit ordinance was distributed for review, plus the fire code.

An ordinance is needed to change sewer billing from EDU basis to Aqua water usage. David Waltz will contact Jane Billings of Swarthmore Borough to discuss the transition. There are some Morton and Ridley residents that send sewage to Rutledge’s sewer mains that will have to be included in the billing transition.

Mayor –Mayor Kevin Cunningham reported that the Snow Jam will be on Saturday, April 2, from 7-10PM. Mayor Cunningham will have a Memorial Day ceremony on Sunday, May 29, 2016.

Solicitor – Nothing to report.

Old Business –Kim Brown reported that Rachel Sten can do a Borough logo for $90.00. MOTION by Jim Jones, Second by Marlaina Kloepfer, to authorize a Borough logo design by Rachel Sten at a cost not to exceed $90.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

Marie Govannicci reported that Susan Kelly of the Swarthmore Open Space Study had a meeting and proposed paved paths from all open spaces. A sidewalk was proposed on the Swarthmore Ave. side of the Triangle Park, but is not feasible. The Committee is thrilled that Rutledge is participating and Rachel Sten is very enthusiastic.

Kim Brown reviewed the proposed parking ordinance versions 1 and 2. Mr. Waltz thinks that parking permits should be issued to residents, permits being good for one year. Mr. Jones disagrees with parking permits, and thinks it is putting a burden on resident. Ms. Brown stated that some residents already have a burden with the current parking situation. The topic is still not resolved after two years of discussion. Cars that park overnight on Linden Ave. have not been ticketed. Mr. Waltz stated that the issuance of parking permits to residents is a solution to the problem. Ms. Brown stated that the fees have to be amended in the proposed ordinance.

Signs need to be posted on the Terraces “Resident Parking Only”. The residents must come to the office for the parking permits and show a drivers’ license and owner’s card.

David Waltz reported that there are 50 unpaid parking tickets. Mr. Waltz contacted four other municipalities to see what their policies are. They send the ticket to the Judge for a citation after 30 days. Mark Bascelli will take over the parking tickets. He is trying to get software for the citations. Mr. Bascelli will keep a master list.

Streetlight Project – There is an engineering study available for the streetlights that is free if Rutledge goes through with the program, or $2,000.00 if they do not. The Engineers will map out the streetlights in the Borough and make recommendations.  MOTION by Jim Jones, Second by Marie Govannicci, to approve the streetlight audit at a cost of $2,000.00 if the Borough does not accept the program. MOTION approved unanimously. David Waltz stated that the Borough will pay for the streetlight replacement up front, instead of over ten years. The Borough will get a credit from PECO when the old streetlights are returned.

New Business –MOTION by Jim Jones, Second by Marlaina Kloepfer, to renew the elevator maintenance contract with EZ Living Concepts for one year at a cost of $450.00. MOTION approved unanimously.  Mr. Waltz asked why the elevator keeps breaking down. If a new one is needed, the Borough will have to budget for it.

Mr. Waltz reported that he will have specs on a new Borough truck by the next Work Session.

Open Council Seat – Discussed the three candidates for the vacant Council position – Jody Roberts, Ken Torres-Zickler, and John Shingle.

MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Jim Jones, to appoint John L. Shingle, III to fill the vacant Council position. MOTION approved with a majority YES votes (D. Waltz, J. Jones, M. Govannicci, K. Brown- One Abstention- M. Kloepfer).


Meeting adjourned 9:36 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano, Secretary




