Rutledge Borough Work Session, May 21, 2012

Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council

Members answered roll call: Diane McGaughey, David Waltz, Marlaina Kloepfer, Daniel Werner, and Marie Govannicci

Also present: Karl Eilinsfeld

Not present: Brian Costello, Tom Kopp, Mayor Greg Lebold, Solicitor Guy Smith

Building: Nothing to report.

Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that the ordinance issue on the Borough website has been resolved, and she is working on emergency contact information.

Finance: Diane McGaughey stated that she is concerned about the authorization of expenditures. Any time a Council member goes to the Engineer or Solicitor, it costs the Borough money. Guy Smith will retire at the end of 2012, and the new Solicitor, most likely, will charge more money. All expenses are to come through the Council President, and presented to Council for approval.

Ordinance: Nothing to report.

Property/Borough Building: Diane McGaughey reported that the Community Center needs a new door on the first floor, Sylvan Ave. side. She is getting prices.

Public Safety: The police contract with Swarthmore ends December 31, 2012, and negotiations for a new contract are taking place.
The President of the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. is making arrangements to have the fire whistle on top of the Community Center removed.

Recreation: Marie Govannicci spoke with Brian George to get an estimate to replace 4 sidewalk blocks at the Triangle Park. Karl Eilinsfeld replaced the swings as requested by the insurance company. The electrical contractor is waiting for 1 piece to install electricity at the park.

Ms. Govannicci received one quote for wood chips at the park- $2,000.00 for 45 yards, delivered and spread. Ms. Govannicci will get other quotes.

Karl Eilinsfeld will look at the flagpole at the park.
One bench at the park needs to be repaired.

The sign on Swarthmore Ave. needs to be moved to the middle of the block.

4th of July Committee: The committee is preparing for the July 4th activities. The parade route has changed; information will be distributed.

Trash: Daniel Werner has had no complaints. Diane McGaughey stated that trash cans have been put out on Thursday for Monday trash pickups. Trash should go out the night before pickup, after 6:00 PM, and not weigh more than 50 pounds.

Sewer: Daniel Werner reported that Catania Engineering is getting quotes for the high priority sewer repairs, estimated to cost $8,500.00.

Tree Commission: The Tree Committee will meet on 05/23/12. They may plant some flowers at the park.

Highway: David Waltz stated that the PA Infrastructure Bank loan is pending.

Ms. McGaughey has gotten four complaints about a sign that was placed in front of 226 Linden Ave. Ms. McGaughey asked that the sign be placed between properties, and it has not been done.

MMEAC: Diane McGaguhey reported that there will be a meeting on Thursday, May 24, 7:00 PM, at Rutledge Borough.

Solicitor: Nothing to report

Old Business: Diane McGaughey reported that the Borough’s 125th Anniversary will be celebrated at June 4 Council Meeting. Ralph Moore will present a plaque on behalf of the PA State Association of Boroughs. There will be cake, punch and other refreshments, which Marie Govannicci will handle. Residents, the 4th of July Committee and Tree Committee are invited.

Diane McGaughey reported that she and the Solicitor met with representatives from 1 Sylvan Ave., the group home. The main issue is the behavior of one patient in public, and the matter has been turned over to the Solicitor. The neighbors have been instructed to call 911 if they witness questionable behavior.

New: The new Borough Code will be available on July 1, 2012. There will be classes and webinars on the topic.
Daniel Werner reported that the month of September will be cleanup month in the Borough

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:21 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano




